Topic tests: strategy to ace your GCSE & A levels

So, you may be thinking “Oh great, another test. Just what I needed.” But hold up, my friend. Topic tests like Edexcel Examwizard, AQA EXAMPRO and OCR Exambuilder may not be as glamorous as the big final exams like the GSCEs and A Levels, but they are just as important if not more so. Think of them like the unsung heroes of your exam season.

First things first, let’s talk about why topic tests are so crucial. These tests are designed to assess your understanding of specific topics within a subject. They give your teacher a clear understanding of what you know and where you need to improve. This means that if you ace your topic tests, you’ll be well on your way to acing your final exams. It’s like a dress rehearsal before the big show.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of how to dominate your topic tests like a boss. 

Stay organized

Keep track of when your tests are and take the time to list down the topics that your topics tests will be covering. This will help you stay on top of your studying and make sure you’re not scrambling at the last minutes. Staring at questions on your exam paper that make absolutely no sense because you’ve forgotten to revise that particular section is never fun. Trust me.

Practice, practice, practice

Think of yourself as an actor preparing for the biggest performance of their life and in order to give a good performance you have to practice and rehearse! Use our past papers and question banks designed specifically for topic tests by Edexcel, OCR and AQA to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions you’ll be facing. And, of course, make sure you understand the material thoroughly

Utilize Exambuilder, EXAMPRO, and Examwizard

Edexcel’s topic tests- Exambuilder

AQA’s topic tests – Exampro

OCR’s topic tests – Exambuilder 

These tools are great for creating and practicing sample questions, and can be a valuable resource for your exam preparation. Try these platforms for yourself and see the difference it can make in your studying.

Ace your topic tests and impress your teachers with our proven strategies for GCSE and A-levels (AQA, OCR, Edexcel) -get it now on

Take breaks

Exam panic is a real thing and we know it can be tempting to study non-stop. All-nighters. Skipped meals. Snack diets. The whole she-bang. But it’s also important to give your brain a break. Take a walk, watch an episode of your favorite show, or just take a good, long nap. Trust me, your brain will thank you

Get a good night’s sleep

This one is a no-brainer. A well-rested brain is a happy brain, and a happy brain is a brain that can ace topic tests.

In conclusion, topic tests may not be the most exciting part of your exam season, but they are important. By staying organized, practicing with past papers, utilizing Exambuilder, Exampro, and Examwizard, taking breaks, and getting a good night’s sleep, you’ll be well on your way to acing those tests and dominating your final exams. So, don’t be afraid to show off your skills and impress your teachers with your exam-taking abilities.